
pig bite tail Learn more about pig bite tail

  • Why do pigs bite their tails? How do you stop biting?

    Why do pigs bite their tails? How do you stop biting?

    Pig tail biting syndrome is also known as anti-discomfort syndrome. It is a clinical manifestation of porcine stress syndrome and a non-specific stress response. Why does that pig bite its tail? How do you stop biting? Why do pigs bite their tails? The cause of tail biting disease in pigs is very high.

    2020-11-11 Pig why will bite tail how stop do not bite pig bite tail
  • What causes pigs to bite their ears and their tails?

    What causes pigs to bite their ears and their tails?

    What causes pigs to bite their ears and their tails?

  • Causes and Preventive measures of Pig tail biting

    Causes and Preventive measures of Pig tail biting

    Causes and Preventive measures of Pig tail biting

  • Comprehensive prevention and control of pig tail biting disease

    Comprehensive prevention and control of pig tail biting disease

    Pig tail biting is a kind of pica, which is a kind of stress syndrome caused by nutritional metabolic disorder, abnormal taste and improper feeding management. In particular, the incidence was higher in August-December and January-March, which generally occurred in 18-80 kg pigs and 24-40 kg pigs (12-14 weeks old). More sows than boars are affected. It is estimated that about 4.6% of boars and 3.4% of sows are bitten. First, the cause of the disease (1) improper feeding and management: high feeding density and the same column

  • Tail biting disease seriously affects pig growth how to prevent and cure pig tail bite disease

    Tail biting disease seriously affects pig growth how to prevent and cure pig tail bite disease

    Tail biting disease seriously affects pig growth how to prevent and cure pig tail bite disease

  • Stress and the occurrence, prevention and treatment of tail biting disease in pigs

    Stress and the occurrence, prevention and treatment of tail biting disease in pigs

    In the current intensive pig production, the phenomenon of pigs biting each other is more common, especially the pigs in the production state are more likely to occur. First, stress. In intensive pig production, the stressors affecting the normal physiological activities of pigs are increasing day by day, which can lead to the decrease of immunity, the enhancement of catabolism, the decrease of anabolism and the disorder of sexual function. in severe cases, it can cause a series of stress syndrome. Such as pale, soft, exudative pork, dry hard dark pork, adult

  • What should we do when a pig bites its tail?

    What should we do when a pig bites its tail?

    What should we do when a pig bites its tail?

  • Wound infection endangers the prevention and treatment of mutual bite among pig herds

    Wound infection endangers the prevention and treatment of mutual bite among pig herds

    Wound infection endangers the prevention and treatment of mutual bite among pig herds

  • Cause Analysis and Prevention of Pig tail biting

    Cause Analysis and Prevention of Pig tail biting

    In the process of large-scale and intensive pig production, it is often seen that conservation and fattening pigs have the bad habit of biting each other's tails. The tail biting of pigs not only increases feed consumption, affects growth, increases the difficulty of management, but also leads to pig injury and bacterial infection. So, what is the cause of pigs biting their tails? It is concluded that it is related to the following factors: (1) management factors: (1) insufficient feeding, insufficient feed level, unreasonable trough design, etc. (2) poor water quality, insufficient drinking water or suffering from

  • Pigs like to peck at other pig buttocks. What's going on?

    Pigs like to peck at other pig buttocks. What's going on?

    It could be pica. The disease is one of the problems often encountered in pig production, especially in the winter and spring when the light time is insufficient and the temperature is low. Improper feeding and management, environmental discomfort, imbalance of feed nutrition supply, disease and metabolic disorders are the causes of the disease. Due to long-term eclipse, pigs often cause growth retardation, weight loss and anorexia, causing unnecessary economic losses to pig farmers. 1. The clinical symptoms of pig pica are tail bite, ear bite, rib bite and navel sucking, especially

  • Comprehensive prevention and control measures of porcine pica

    Comprehensive prevention and control measures of porcine pica

    Pig pica is one of the problems often encountered in pig production, especially in the winter and spring when the light time is insufficient and the temperature is low. Improper feeding and management, environmental discomfort, imbalance of feed nutrition supply, disease and metabolic disorders are the causes of the disease. Due to long-term eclipse, pigs often cause growth retardation, weight loss and anorexia, causing unnecessary economic losses to pig farmers. 1. Clinical symptoms: pig pica is characterized by tail biting, ear biting, rib biting, navel sucking, especially eating chicken dung and urine.

  • When did the piglet break its tail, and the reason why it was broken after parturition?

    When did the piglet break its tail, and the reason why it was broken after parturition?

    The time for piglets to break their tails: within 1-2 days after birth, the tail is cut off 2.5 cm from the root of the tail. The reasons for the broken tail of piglets: it can save feed, increase daily weight gain, reduce tail biting, improve carcass quality, effectively reduce pig mortality and benefit.

    2020-11-08 Piglet broken tail time yes when attached postpartum
  • Prevention and treatment of pig tail bite

    Prevention and treatment of pig tail bite

    For the pigs with slight tail biting phenomenon, the pigs can be sprayed twice after diluted with spirit or gasoline, which can play an effective control; the bitten pigs should be cleaned with potassium permanganate solution in time, and coated with iodine tincture to prevent wound infection, severe bites can be treated with antibiotics.

  • A brief discussion on the causes of biting and fighting in pigs and the preventive measures

    A brief discussion on the causes of biting and fighting in pigs and the preventive measures

    In recent years, with the continuous development of large-scale pig farming, in the environment of raising more than one pig in a circle, the phenomenon that pigs bite each other is more common when pigs are just grouped, and the incidence of fattening pigs with 20-40 kg is generally higher. At first, only a few pigs bit each other in the same column, mainly biting the head and tail. After the bite, the blood flowed out, and the pigs became addicted to blood, and gradually many heads bit each other and became more severe. The bitten pig curled up in the corner with a poor appetite, affecting weight gain and seriously injured such as

  • Etiological diagnosis and analysis of pig bite rack

    Etiological diagnosis and analysis of pig bite rack

    In the process of pig breeding, the phenomenon of pig bites (including tail biting) often occurs, especially the lean pigs which grow fast and can not keep up with feeding and management are more likely to occur, and the wound is inflamed and ulcerated, which affects the production of live pigs. caused a lot of economic losses. Here, briefly talk about the inducement of pig bites and solutions for reference. The main results were as follows: (1) the inducement of pig bites 1.1 the feeding density was high (piglets > 3 / m2), the feeding trough was narrow, and the conflict of contact was frequent. 1.2 single

  • 10 solutions to pig bite rack

    10 solutions to pig bite rack

    First of all, it is necessary to reduce the feeding density, raise in circles according to body size, reasonably adjust feed nutrition, put some fish meal or bean park, ventilation and ventilation to ensure air circulation, cooling and shading measures should be taken during breeding period, and bitten pigs should be isolated in time.

    2020-11-08 Pig bite rack 10 solution summary first lower
  • Occurrence and prevention of pig bite and fighting

    Occurrence and prevention of pig bite and fighting

    First, the cause of the pig bite phenomenon 1. The probability of contact and conflict among pigs with excessive feeding density is also high, and their activities are limited, which is the inducement of bite-and-fight phenomenon. In addition, there is a unique group order behavior, after grouping pigs, they will bite each other at first, and then establish an obvious rank relationship according to the strength of the physique. If the herd of pigs is too large, it is difficult to establish a position, resulting in frequent bites and fights with each other. two。 Feed nutrition imbalance the use of non-full price feed or the improper proportion of nutrients in feed, especially the protein and vitamins in feed

  • The best time for piglets to cut off their tails

    The best time for piglets to cut off their tails

    Pigs have a very bad habit of biting objects that are easy to be touched by their mouths, so when raising pigs, people will find that their tails will be removed, otherwise they will be easily bitten off by other pigs. So, when is the best time for piglets to cut off their tails?

    2020-11-11 Piglet broken tail best time pig yes one kind very bad good
  • Common sense of novice pig farming

    Common sense of novice pig farming

    Common sense of novice pig farming

  • piglet tail cutting method

    piglet tail cutting method

    piglet tail cutting method
